Friday, May 17, 2013

Another Essential "Must Have" for Twin Mama's

Motorola Video Monitor- We have Two cameras for one monitor

We opted to purchase this monitor. We absolutely love it! It comes with the option of programming up to 4 cameras to one monitor. We bought two cameras. This allows us to see both babies on the one monitor. It has a scan option where every few seconds it switches from one camera to the next. This allows you to see each baby every few seconds.Or you can keep it on one baby and then manually scan through each camera.

I hear a lot of people say they got along great without a video screen monitor-which I totally get but being parents of twins... we really try to cherish our sleep. This has helped us cut down on the number of times we go in their room. We can see them and observe before making the decision to go in or not. Sometimes they cry out in their sleep and as a first time Mom, it freaks me out so thanks to my monitor I am more at ease.

 Our twins are now almost 11 months old! This means they are mobile.  We got to see, for the first time, our oldest twin-by one minute... Aryiah, stand up in her crib. This was cute and also helpful because we immediately were able to adjust the crib so that she wouldn't fall out-before she actually fell out.(if that make sense)

Nate and I think it is fun to watch our girls when they wake up too. They sometimes will chat with one another or do silly things. We can observe them without interfering or distracting them-WE LOVE IT!

It also has an option to speak through the monitor to your baby. We do not really use it but it is an option.

The other thing I love about the monitor is that IF  we decide to have another little one we can buy another camera and then see all three on one monitor. As I mentioned above, you can program up to 4 cameras for the one monitor. Love it!

The only complaint I have is that the temperature gage is always off like 10 or more degrees... but other than that-We love it.

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